Project Overview


Devon County Council

Designer / Consultancy


Construction Period

November 2024 – Ongoing



Project Overview

Chudleigh road is being realigned to connect to a new signalised junction with the A379 which will be developed further to the east.  Due to its close proximity to the bridge across the A30, it is not possible to improve the existing junction, and it is therefore being relocated. 

Vehicles currently have to cross a busy section of the road as they exit the existing Chudleigh Road junction on to the A379. This will no longer be suitable as developments come forward, so the junction will be closed to traffic and will only be accessible for active travel.

Key Numbers

  • Construction of a new link road (Chudleigh Link Road) between the existing Chudleigh Road and the A379.
  • Construction of a new signalised junction with the A379 and Chudleigh Link Road with associated widening of the A379 to provide two ahead lanes and a left turn lane northbound, and two ahead lanes and a right turn lane, southbound.
  • Carriageway resurfacing of the A379.
  • Installation of associated road markings, and traffic signs.
  • An amount of replacement planting, to include trees and hedge plants.