Our Culture

Corporate Social Responsibility

Through our CSR Policy we endeavor to leave a positive impact on the local communities in which we work. This is achieved in a variety of ways including through provision of quality employment and fair working practices, paying the living wage as a minimum, engaging with local educational institutions, fundraising on behalf of local good causes, encouraging volunteering and donating to local food banks, and reducing our carbon footprint. CSR is very close to our heart, and we look at ways to leave a positive legacy on every project we deliver.

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sustainability csr
One Team Badge

Health, Safety and Wellbeing

We dedicate ourselves every day to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, visitors and the wider public. Our senior leadership team, supported by a team of competent Health & Safety Professionals are always striving to improve our standards and we continuously plan, risk assess and inspect our work operations with full consideration to all physical, environmental, psychological, and health risk factors in the workplace.

Wills Bros have a proud tradition and reputation for managing all our projects with the highest level of safety consideration for our staff, workforce, sub-contractors, clients, and the general public. We are an ISO 45001 Certified Company who view Health & Safety as a Core Value that guides everything we do.

We are extremely proud and honoured to have won numerous Health & Safety Awards over the years. Perhaps telling of our culture, we have won several ‘Health and Safety Team of the Year’ Awards in recent years reflecting the positive culture within the company.

Environmental Management / Our Journey Towards Net Zero

Wills Bros understand the urgency of the climate emergency and over recent years we have made a significant investment in building up carbon competency and literacy within our team. This will give us the skills we need to reduce our carbon footprint and play our part in the transition towards a net-zero carbon economy by 2050. In pursuit of this goal we have appointed a Sustainability Manager and Carbon Team to monitor our carbon footprint and to make carbon reduction a priority in our design and commercial decision making processes.

By registering with the Achilles Carbon Reduce programme, we are committed to measuring and reducing our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and submitting the results for external auditing and verification purposes. A summary of our latest results including our current Carbon Reduction Plan is published here. We are also proud to be at the forefront of low carbon design solutions, which was demonstrated when several of our employees were amongst the very first ‘ICE Champion Champions’ to be announced by the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2021.

As an ISO 14001 Certified Company, consideration to environmental impacts is embedded in our everyday decision-making processes. This involves planning work carefully at least disturbance to flora and fauna, consideration to public nuisance (noise, dust, vibration etc), working towards net-zero carbon emissions, and identifying opportunities for habitat enhancement so we can leave a positive legacy for future generations.

We are fortunate to employ a passionate in-house team of environmental managers, advisors, and ecologists, and we employ consultants to advise on specialist matters as required. We work closely with regulators and interested parties to deliver environmentally compliant schemes that in many instances exceed legislative requirements. Our Environmental Management focus areas include:

  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon Reduction
  • Responsible purchasing and use of resources
  • Water conservation and protection
  • Energy conservation and efficiency
  • Waste elimination and minimisation

Community Engagement

As a family-owned company with roots in a rural community, we are deeply conscious of maintaining positive relationships in the communities where we work. This involves informing stakeholders of the works programme, carrying out our work in a considerate manner, keeping roads and footpaths swept, complying with local restrictions and investing in the local community through employment, training and upskilling, and charitable opportunities.

On occasion, we don’t always get things right, and on those occasions, we implement our complaint resolution process to the satisfaction of all parties involved. In support of positive community relations, we register many of our sites with the Considerate Constructors Scheme as evidence of a proactive rather than reactive approach.

Wills Bros resource a dedicated Public Liaison Officer to any large or sensitive sites. We also regularly visit local Primary/Secondary Schools, Colleges and Universities, and fund raise towards local good causes. We utilise social media channels, letter drops and newsletters to inform local community of upcoming events, and openly discuss concerns. Wills Bros also fully investigate any complaints received, and work with complainants to resolve disputes.

As a partner organisation of the Considerate Constructors Scheme, it is our mission to enrich communities through improved infrastructure and local investment.

Examples of Initiatives

  • A6 Dungiven to Drumahoe Dualling Scheme registered as the very First Considerate Constructors Scheme ‘Ultra Site’ on the Island of Ireland
  • Supporting Partner of University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, with Regular Lectures, CE4R Workshops, and Mentor Scheme for Students
  • Registering employees for Modern Apprenticeships and upskilling opportunities
  • Investors in Young People Gold Award Standard
  • Shirt Sponsor for local Glasgow Gaels Ladies Gaelic Football Club
  • Shirt Sponsor for Bohola Moy Davitts GAA Club – Foxford Co. Mayo
  • Main sponsor for Scotland v Ireland in Shinty/Hurling International Competition

Employee Development Programme

It is important to us that our employees fulfill their potential and personal ambitions, and we seek to support each employee’s development along their journey. This is achieved through a structured appraisal process with their line manager, day-to-day support and guidance, and technical development via in-house and external training depending on developmental needs. To support employees through their route to chartership (if that is their ambition) we will pair staff with a suitably qualified mentor to advise them. Many of our employees have gone on to complete Vocational Qualifications, and Third Level Qualifications whilst employed by the company, and we do what we can to support them along the way.

In support of our history and culture for developing new talent, we have made a commitment to being audited annually through the Investment in Young People (IIYP) certification standard, progressing recently to Gold Award Standard. It is our ambition over the coming years to transition to the Investors in People (IIP) standard to ensure our employee base as a whole are fully considered and represented under the audit process.

right firs time quality badge

Quality Management

We are committed to delivering a quality service and product to our clients as evidenced by our 3rd Party certifications.

  • ISO 9001 – Quality Management
  • ISO 14001 – Environmental Management
  • ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management
  • ISO 19650 – BIM BSI Kitemark
  • ISO 17025 – In-house UKAS Accredited Material Testing Laboratory


  • Design – We have a team of in-house design managers and coordinators to manage the flow of design information and design risk management
  • Quality Assurance – We employ an IMS Manager, Designers Site Representatives (DSR) and Quality Inspectors to carry out checks on quality compliance
  • NCRs & Internal Audits – We have a transparent Non-Conformance Report (NCR) process to highlight issues and promote a lessons learned culture
  • On-site Testing – Wills Bros own and operate a UKAS accredited material testing laboratory to test materials intended for use
  • Contractual Communications – Managed through the client’s preferred software such as CEMAR and SYPRO (or other)
  • Latest Technology – We are certified and experienced in Building Information Modelling (BIM), and employ the use of drones to quantify work completed
  • Quality Meetings – Held with the client and designers at regular intervals
  • Construction Programme – Monitored by experienced programmers/planners
  • Hold Points – Built into the programme to enable workmanship to be checked at key stages of the project
  • Procurement – Centralised at Head Office
  • Commercial – Reviewed continuously throughout the contract
  • Training – Quality Training provided to all new starts
  • Ethos – Zero Defects. Right First Time, Every Time


Entering industry Awards and supporting various certification and assessment schemes is a great way to benchmark our performance against industry standards. It provides opportunity to reflect on past performance, to set targets for the future and to keep in tune with Industry and societal needs.

Here are some of the Awards and Accreditations we have successfully achieved in recent years.


Right First Time Policy

Sustainability Policy

Zero Harm Policy

Terms & Conditions of Joining Our Supply Chain

Collaborative Working Relationships Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Ethical Procurement Policy

Statements and Reports

Accreditations and Affiliations

At Wills Bros, we are committed to taking a leadership for progressive change in our own business. As a company, we want to add value to the environment, our society, and our clients. As a leading civil engineering company, we work towards our purpose with passion, dedication, and determination. See below the excerpt of our Accreditations and Affiliations.


Achilles Carbon Reduce Programme

A rigorous, industry-specific processes, Achilles Carbon Reduction Certification helps to accurately measure greenhouse gas emissions and put in place strategies to manage and reduce impacts. Offers tools that are designed to support any organisation, service, or product. Achilles have partnered with Toitū Envirocare, an ISO 14065 accredited certification body, to deliver Carbon Reduce.

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Achilles Building Confidence

Achilles BuildingConfidence is a UK construction industry accreditation and risk management scheme that provides certification to Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) and the Common Assessment Standard (CAS). SSIP stands for Safety Schemes in Procurement and is widely recognised as the industry standard pre-qualification Health & Safety assessment scheme as it’s endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The Common Assessment Standard (CAS) consists of an industry-agreed set of questions based on existing PQ questionnaires, including PAS 91, and corresponding assessment standards. The aim of CAS is to reduce duplication, time and cost.

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Achilles Silver Plus

UVDB is the utility industry pre-qualification system used across the UK. Achilles works closely with key buying organisations in the utility sector, helping them to achieve the highest standards of supply chain assurance. This reduces the risk for buyers by shortlisting the most efficient organisations. UVDB facilitates pre-qualification for work with more than 50 utility companies and their partners. Achilles UVDB has a rigorous assessment programme that analyses business operations in key areas, including:

  • Health and Safety
  • Environmental
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Quality Systems
  • Security
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Achilles UVDB Verify

Achilles UVDB Verify is an independent audit of an organisation’s Safety, Health, Environment, Quality (SHEQ) management systems and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The Category B2 – (Operational Site works), is a two day audit for high risk large suppliers providing works or services into the utilities sector. The audit is split into two parts; a one-day Management Systems Evaluation and a one-day Site based assessment. The Category B2 Audit is for contractors or suppliers who work or provide services on operational sites owned, managed or controlled by a utility.

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Awarded Gold membership benefits from company’s credentials for environmental management, quality management, equal opportunities, modern slavery act adherence and anti-bribery and corruption policies. Some of these policies form part of the Cabinet Office Selection Questionnaire (SQ), which the public sector is expected to comply with.

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Acclaim Accreditation supports the objectives of SSIP (Safety Schemes In Procurement) to improve health and safety standards across the UK and reduce duplication of paperwork in procurement

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Carbon Literacy

A Carbon Literate Organisation is an organisation that has been accredited by The Carbon Literacy Project as being “culturally Carbon Literate”; maintaining a substantial proportion of its workforce as Carbon Literate and demonstrating its Carbon Literacy through its organisational behaviour. CLO accreditation is a tiered system with Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels, requiring increasing levels of commitment to action on climate change and creating a low-carbon culture.

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living wage
Living Wage

Living Wage is an accreditation for employers that pay the Living Wage rates to all staff.

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RISQS (the Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme) remains central to safe and cost-effective procurement of products and services on Britain’s railway. RISQS is the pre-qualification service which provides the industry’s 110-plus buyers – including Transport for London and Network Rail – with the assurance to do business with confidence with GB Rail’s 4300 suppliers. RISQS certification signifies a clear dedication to safety, reliability, and quality in every aspect of rail operations.

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Quality Certifications

EQA is a certification body, accredited by ANAB and UKAS for ISO Quality and Management Systems related certifications.

ISO 9001:2015 is recognised as the quality management system that enables you to streamline processes, minimise duplication, identify areas for cost savings and improve overall company performance.

ISO 14001:2015 enables businesses to improve their environmental performance, minimise environmental risk and ensure you comply with all-important environmental legislation

ISO 45001:2018 is an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system.

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ISO 19650-3:2020 (BSI Kitemark) is an international standard for managing information over the whole life cycle of a built asset using building information modelling (BIM

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UKAS Certification

ISO/IEC 17025 plays an important role in supporting the provision of accurate and reliable results from laboratory testing, calibration, sampling, and measurement services across many sectors, proving the technical competence of a laboratory.

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Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv)

Operating under a Royal Charter, the Society for the Environment, supported by its Member Bodies, is the body responsible for championing and registering professionals with proven competence in their environmental work. Working as a partnership with our Licensed Members, we ensure the quality, relevance and awareness of our registrations and enable our partners and registrants to work together. We are in a unique position, bringing together a range of disciplines and sectors to reflect the multi-disciplinary practice of environmental professionals. We have registered over 10,000 environmental professionals to date and new registrants are continuing to join the register year on year.

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Vision Zero
Vision Zero

Vision Zero is based on the belief that all accidents, diseases, and harm at work are preventable and on the commitment of Vision Zero Companies and Partners to promote the three core values of this campaign: Safety. Health. Wellbeing. With this flexibility Vision Zero is of benefit for all, for governments and health and safety organizations in any part of the world and for companies of any industry and any scale. The roadmap towards Vision Zero is formed by “Seven Golden Rules” based on successful, practical management concepts.

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Disability Confident Employer
Disability Confident Employer

The Disability Confident scheme supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to your workplace. Disability Confident organisations play a leading role in changing attitudes for the better. They are changing behaviour and cultures in their own businesses, networks, and communities, and reaping the benefits of inclusive recruitment practices. It also helps customers and other businesses identify those employers who are committed to equality in the workplace.

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Armed Forces Covenant award BRONZE
Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces is a pledge that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy, and society they serve with their lives.

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fairness inclusion respect
Fairness Inclusion Respect (FIR)

The Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) is an industry-wide initiative that aims to make workplaces better for everyone. The programme provides, free, industry-endorsed training and resources, guidance, and materials, that supports businesses to be more innovative and profitable by addressing workplace culture challenges and helps attract and retain people from the full pool of talent. Promoting a culture of fairness, inclusion and respect brings many business benefits to the companies that work to achieve it.

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build force
Build Force

BuildForce is a UK-wide alliance of employers, industry bodies and military charities; its aim is to inspire and enable Service Leavers to pursue long-term careers in construction by offering practical help and advice. Inductions are conducted by senior industry experts, to create bespoke career plans. Our construction employers then provide mentors, work placements, site visits, career chats, interviews, and job opportunities.

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The Civil Engineering Contractors Association is the representative body for companies who work day-to-day to deliver, upgrade, and maintain the country’s infrastructure. With more than 300 members split across eight regions, CECA is the representative organisation for the UK’s civil engineering contractors. Through nationwide network of autonomous regions provides an authoritative voice for the companies who build, maintain, and upgrade the nation’s vital infrastructure networks in the key sectors.

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CIRAS is an independent, not-for-profit confidential reporting service for the transport sector in the UK and Ireland. Reports can be raised via telephone call, downloadable app, freepost, or via web enquiry form. People can speak up about their health, safety and wellbeing concerns to CIRAS anonymously in complete confidence. CIRAS shares the concerns with the relevant company, and then shares the company response with the person who raised the concern. Concerns can be raised for any company, not just the person’s employer. Reporting directly to the employer is always promoted as the preferred method of communication but this back up system ensures that there are no barriers to reporting and resolving potential problems and hazards.

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Construction Industry Federation [ROI]

The CIF is the Irish construction industry’s representative body. It provides a broad range of services that assist members in navigating the political, business, economic and regulatory environment. These services cross the full business spectrum and include Recruitment and Training, Legal and Industrial Relations Consultation and Advice; Health & Safety; Marketing and Industrial intelligence Reports; Engagement with Government, Statutory and other industry bodies, and regular updates on all issues affecting the construction industry. All services are provided on a national and regional basis from offices in Dublin Cork and Galway.

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Irish Plant Contractors Association (IPCA)

The Irish Plant Contractors Association is the new Trade Association for the good of Irish plant owners, hirers and contractors. Employing many thousands of skilled individuals, this contractor collective is widely recognised as being a significant entrepreneurial investor in plant and machinery. Plant contractors pull on the supply chain, that drives manufacturers output, distributor throughput, providing a platform for SME aftersales parts and service providers to ensure the industry can flourish.

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The Railway Industry Association (RIA) is the voice of the UK rail supply community. Founded in 1875, RIA has played a critical role in moulding the modern rail industry in the UK. The RIA has over 360 companies in its membership and its priority is to champion and help build a bigger and better, dynamic rail supply sector for its members. The RIA has six networking groups across the UK including Scotland, Northern Ireland, North of England, Midlands & Eastern England, London & Southern England, and Wales & Western England. Wills Bros have joined the RIA to compliment and support its work in the rail sector.

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rospa member

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)’s vision is drawn from the respect for life and all that it contains – the freedom to enjoy personal choices, health, happiness, wellbeing, relationships, and a huge variety of life-affirming activities. Serious accidental injuries are a burden – a burden which afflicts too many, preventing them from enjoying life to its fullest. The one we are determined to free people from, to enable healthy, active lives through our skills and knowledge, while also seeking reasonable limits to potential harms that ensure these lives can be lived unhindered and unburdened by fatal and life-changing accidents.

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Wills Bros are Associate Members of SafetyOn. This is the leading health and safety organisation for the onshore wind sector. It is an open network of health and safety experts, professionals and stakeholders promoting a strong, sustainable and continually improving health and safety culture within the onshore wind industry.

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Scottish Plant Owners Association (SPOA)

The SPOA is the only trade body representing the Scottish Plant Industry in it’s entirety, we recognise the challenges our members face across the country and make great effort to both listen and to act on their concerns. The SPOA is a trade association for those in the business of owning, operating and hiring plant used in the Scottish & UK construction industry. Our membership is growing, there are currently more than 350 member organisations.

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Considerate Constructors Scheme

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is a not-for-profit, independent organisation founded to raise standards in the construction industry. Construction sites, companies and suppliers voluntarily register with the Scheme and agree to abide by the Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements. The Scheme’s main areas of concern fall into three categories – the general public, the workforce and the environment.

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CO2nstructZero’s role is not to develop new solutions, roadmaps or new pathways – there are many groups in the industry well placed to do this – but we believe that the CLC does have a critical role to play in bringing people together to consolidate collective actions and plans for the sector. We can help drive change by helping to share innovative solutions and set transparent goals and clear actions that everyone can help to achieve.

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mates in mind
Mates in Mind

Mates in Mind is a registered UK charity raising awareness, addressing the stigma of poor mental health, and promoting positive mental wellbeing across workplaces. We help to make sense of available options and support employers to address mental health within their workplace. Mates in Mind works across industries, focusing on construction, as well as related sectors including transport, logistics, manufacturing, and others.

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Supporting Schemes

ICE Training Scheme

With more than 95,000 members worldwide, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) supports civil engineers throughout their careers, awards professional qualifications that are the industry standard, lead the debates around infrastructure and the built environment and provide an unmatched level of training, knowledge and thinking.

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STEM Ambassadors

STEM Ambassadors help bring STEM subjects alive and provide real-life examples of industry careers, facilitating an invaluable link between schools and industry. They are already proving to be an incredible resource for primary schools across the UK and can be requested to support every element of your STEM curriculum.

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