Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity Policy

Wills Bros are committed to implementing positive action and providing a work environment which promotes equality and diversity, and one which treats all its employees and potential employees equally with regard to:

  • Age
  • Ability/Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or Belief
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation

The Company fully supports the Governments Equality Strategy “Building a fairer Britain”. This policy applies to all senior management, middle management, employees, potential employees, self-employed persons, contractors, suppliers and clients. This policy should be read and is operated in conjunction with the companies polices on Health and Safety.


Wills Bros as Company is committed to equal opportunities of employment and all employment decisions will be based on merit, attitude, qualifications and abilities. All employment related decisions will not be influenced or affected by Gender, Marital status, Family status, Age, Race, Disability, Religion, Sexual orientation, belonging to minority groups. The Company fully supports a working environment free from discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment. To promote a harmonious working environment based on mutual respect, which is free from sexual and other forms of harassment or bullying within which employees are encouraged to develop their full potential in the interests of an individual and the company.

The Company will embrace practices and polices relating to recruitment, employment, training and promotion that are free of obstacles, both systematic and deliberate, that directly or indirectly discriminate against people. This includes the nine groups as covered under the Equality Act namely by Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage & Civil Partnership, Pregnancy & maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex and sexual orientation.

Training, experience and promotional opportunities are open to all employees of the Company. All decisions made will be based on employees existing skills, knowledge and aptitude to perform the job effectively and to the standard required by the company, both now and for the future.

All employees with similar job descriptions or performing similar functions/roles within this company will be treated equally with regard to all aspects of their terms of employment, i.e. working conditions, pay, selections for short-term working, transfers opportunities, disciplinary arrangements, and requirements to terminate employment if sufficient alternative work isn’t available.

Every manager has a responsibility to support and communicate the Equality & Diversity Policy. In addition to ensuring their own behaviour does not cause problems, management are responsible for knowing the company policy and ensuring that staff members adhere to company policy.

Employees are encouraged to raise questions or concerns about this Equality & Diversity Policy and these queries should be brought to the attention of their immediate supervisor or Human Resources Department. The company assures that any concerns or complaints made will be without fear of reprisal. An employee engaging in any form of discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination if found guilty.

Objectives & Procedure

The aim of this policy is to promote equality of employment opportunities by ensuring that all employment practices are operated on the basis of the relevant qualifications, merits, abilities and potential of individuals and are free from any criteria which cannot be justified by the demands of the position. Specifically, the objectives of the policy are to ensure that all employees of Wills Bros Civil Engineering Ltd are recruited, selected, trained, given access to relevant work experience, promoted and otherwise treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities. The Company will ensure that all employees involved in making employment related decisions will be provided with training and guidance that they understand their position and the company’s policies and procedures.

Recruitment & Selection

The Company will always confirm in writing that “We are an equal opportunities employer” across any form of advertising for a job either internally or externally.

When recruiting, a full job specification will be prepared outlining requirements that are absolutely essential for the job in question. Desirable qualifications/qualities will be described as such so as not to deter good candidates.

Where traditional title or role for a job in the company implies either male or female. e.g. foreman, the Company will always state that the position is open to both men and women.

Conditions of Employment

All employees will be offered the same terms and conditions of employment, as per equivalent staff in the same grade and job group. All employees will receive the same treatment in relation to disciplinary measures, grievances, etc.

The company onboarding / induction process will be used as an opportunity to discuss with new employees any special needs that they may have arising from one of the nine grounds and to explore how these needs may be accommodated. Where practicable, measures will be taken to accommodate special requirements arising from a disability, religious obligations, family status, or any other characteristics covered by the nine grounds. For example, requests for flexible working hours/patterns will be accommodated where practicable.

Positive Action

The Company, while committed to appointing candidates based solely on merit qualifications and abilities, it may take practical measures to facilitate the integration of particular groups under the nine grounds into employment.

Any employee who feels that they have been treated unfairly in terms of access to employment, conditions of employment, training, work experience or promotion etc. should confide in a trusted manager and raise their grievance through the Company’s Grievance procedure.

Monitoring and Review

Progress in the areas of equal opportunities/diversity will be measured through the continuous monitoring of the implementation of this Equality and Diversity Policy.

Jonathan Wills