Galway County Council
Client’s Representative
Construction Period
October 2021 – December 2023

Project Overview
The Moycullen Bypass project encompasses road realignments, new access roads, roundabout junctions, drainage systems, and the implementation of environmental mitigation measures. The work involved significant earthworks, including the removal of over 140,000m³ of unsuitable material and the importation of 210,000m³ of acceptable material. Additionally, the project included the construction of nine structures and extensive utilities work.
Key Numbers
- 9 structures completed, including 2 concrete piled embankments
- 1000 concrete piles driven, ranging from 8m to 15m
- 83,000m² of surface course laid, including footpaths and cycleways
- 9000m of carrier pipe and 3,000m of filter pipe installed
- 3000m of public light ducting
- 2000m of ESB ducting
- 8000m of Eir ducting
- 33,000m of TII 6-way spare ducting
- 7300m of safety barriers (H2, H3, and H4) installed
- 10,000m of various types of fencing installed