Donegal County Council
Designer / Consultancy
Roughan O’Donovan
Construction Period
January 2021 – February 2023

Project Overview
The project is located within both the west of Ardara/Maas Road SAC and Owenea Freshwater Pearl Mussel Catchment. Construction of 4.7km of single lane carriageway which can be broken down into four distinct sections:
- Off-line embankment with excavate and replace, and Peat/Soft Material disposal.
- Off-line rock-cut close to National Monument.
- Online Surcharging with extensive temporary diversion of the N56 inside the Owenea Catchment. Existing N56 cross-section to be maintained with pavement overlay with a widened verge to incorporate a 2.5m cycle track.
- Sections included site clearance, fencing, safety barriers, drainage, earthwork, pavements, kerbs and paved areas, roads signs and markings, public lighting and electrical work associated therewith, CCTV survey of drains, landscaping, contractor designed structures, accommodation works services ducts for Utilities and watermain works including temporary diversions.
Key Numbers
Excavate and Dispose 158,376m3 consisting of:
- Import Fill 303,393m3
- 4x Reinforced Soil Wing Walls at Sruhangarve Bridge
- 2x Box Culverts (1.8m x 2.1m) and associated Headwalls (Contractor Designed)
- 4x D1500 – D2100 culverts (Contractor Designed)
- 3800m of N2AW2 Safety Barriers
- 164m of Double Sided N2AW2 Safety Barrier
- 4500m of 2-way Eir Ducting with 47x Eir Chambers
- 13x six-way Spare Ducting Crossings and 26x Chambers
- 1862m of New HEPE Watermain sizers varying from D63 to D125
- 5679m of Carrier/Filter Drainage (225mm to 450mm)
- 27x Interceptor Carrier Pipe
- 114x Manholes
- 4x D600 Mammal Underpasses
- 8x Petrol Interceptor