Irish Water
Designer / Consultancy
Construction Period
November 2017 – June 2020

Project Overview
Design and Build and Operation works including maintenance, decommissioning, and demolishing of an existing Foul and Storm Pumping Station, construction of a new Foul Pumping Station and a control building inclusive of a generator room, fuel tank area, MCC/Switch gear room, W.C., ESB substations and meter room. The project also involved laying of electrical ducting and demolishing the existing pole mounted ESB transformer to the Rush Road PS site and laying of ESB cables underground. Other works included construction of approx. 466m of gravity sewer (1200mm diameter) by trenchless methods. The contract also included a 12-month operation of plant.
The Outline Design at Tender detailed an RC tank structure for both the Pump Station and the Storm Overflow Tanks. Given the existing Ground Conditions with the close proximity of an adjacent house, Wills Bros proposed that a Caisson Tank Design be utilised for the Pump Station and Storm Holding Tanks, which would be sunk in the wet. This was the least risky method of construction to avoid settlement and possible damage to the adjacent house, which was less than 6m from the tank locations.
Key Numbers
- Design and installation of a single drive 354m long tunnel sewer and laid along Holmpatrick St and a further two drives totalling 112m of 1200mm tunnel sewer was designed and installed through the Skerries Rugby Grounds and at Miller’s Ln
- Design and installation of storm overflow pumps with capacity of 370 l/s to transfer storm overflows to the storm storage tank
- D&B of Rush Pumping Station Caisson (7.5m in diameter and 7.07 m deep). Overflow tank (27.5m diameter and 7.07m deep)
- Caissons – MH6901A, 6m in diameter, 5.88m deep from cover to invert level / Caisson used for tunnel drive was then converted to the permanent Manhole / MH7704B, 6m in diameter, 6.11m deep from cover to invert level /MH6001A, 4m in diameter, 5.29m deep
- Design and construction of Control Building
- Design and construction an ESB Networks’ substation and reinforced concrete base slab (minimum 2.6m x 2.2m x 0.915m deep)