Irish Water
Designer / Consultancy
Finbarr Gannon & Co. Ltd / RPS
Construction Period
Oct 2017 – December 2019

Project Overview
Design, Build & Operate Contract, where Wills Bros and EPS Joint Venture were responsible for the operation and service of the existing treatment plant throughout the works and for a further 12-month operation service period following completion of the works.
The purpose of the project was to reduce the frequency of storm spills from the sewer network, increase sewer network capacity, upgrade the Irish Street Wastewater Pumping Station and demolition of the Fairgreen Wastewater Pumping Station. The project also included increasing the treatment capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Plant to the following: Preliminary treatment 10,000PE, Secondary Treatment 8000PE, future Secondary Treatment expansion 10,000 PE, storm handling facilities 10,000 PE and sludge handling facilities 10,000PE.
The project also involved improving storm handling facilities, increasing the quality of the final effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant into the River Dee and improving sludge handling facilities at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Key Numbers
- Construction of new reinforced insitu concrete storm holding tank (16.5m x 9.5m x 6m deep) on precast concrete piles
- Construction of new reinforced insitu concrete inlet pumping station (9.7m x 4.2m x 8m deep) on precast concrete piles
- Construction of temporary steel sheet piled cofferdam (11m x 6m x 8m deep) for new inlet pumping station
- Construction of a new ESB sub-station building to ESB specifications
- Over 1,100m of new network pipelines (foul & storm) laid on streets around Ardee