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Wills Bros have been awarded Contract to upgrade N24 Tower Road Junction including a grade separated junction including an overbridge spanning the N24 national road in Co. Kilkenny.

Major improvement works are to commence on the N24 Tower Road in South Kilkenny on January 16, 2023.

The confirmation was given at today’s meeting of Piltown Municipal District Council. The tender was awarded with a letter of acceptance issued on December 1, 2022. A 12-month time frame is envisaged for the construction phase. The formal ‘Notice to Enter’ will issue to all landowners not served already during the week commencing December 12, 2022.

The proposed development will consist of:

  • Removal of existing Tower Road Roundabout and replacement with a new one to the north west of Piltown Tower
  • Widening of the current 2+1 N24 carriageway to a 2+2 carriageway for 1.8km
  • Provision of cyclist and pedestrian facilities
  • Public lighting improvements and installation of road markings and signage
  • Surface water drainage system with a touch of fard and soft landscaping