A9 Dualling – Kincraig to Dalraddy, 2017-2019
Kieran Doona
Legal protection of otters
As a European protected species, the otter is fully protected under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).
Following pre-construction surveys for otters, the scheme required a licence to undertake works at specific locations onsite. Both a monitoring licence and works licence was issued by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) under a Species Protection Plan (SPP) and works were closely monitored by the full-time site ECoW.
Due to the transient nature of otters the following mitigations were implemented on the A9 Dualling : Kincraig Dalraddy scheme :
- 200m of temporary otter fencing were introduced during the construction phase at Dunachton, Leault, Baldow Smiddy and Allt an Fherna watercourses to protect otters from live traffic.
- Weekly camera checks and survey for otters in the field to monitor otter population in relation to works schedule and to inform the licence return document.
- Targeted lighting on works directed away from watercourses during winter working to minimise impact to otters. No loud work at night-time etc.
- Toolbox talks delivered to the workforce to highlight constraints to work teams and ensure licence compliance.
- All excavations ramped or covered.